Communicating accurate, real-time, up-to-date information and advice is critical in slowing the spread of the Coronavirus.

Display screens controlled centrally through cloud-based software provide a new communication channel for Government and other organisations to share information with the community, staff and stakeholders.


What could this look like?

Expand your reach       

-          Use screens at the entrance of high foot traffic venues such as supermarkets and petrol stations to alert the public to the latest government advice such as restrictions on the size of gatherings


Tailor your messaging by location      

-          Make a specific community aware there is a cluster of new cases in their local area and remind them of the key health and safety precautions they should be taking.


Tailor your message by venue type      

-          Use screens in Emergency Departments to communicate important messages to those presenting with symptoms.

-          Use screens in aged care facilities to remind visitors of new visiting restrictions and appropriate hygiene standards.

-          Use screens in supermarkets to remind shoppers to stay calm and buy only what they need.


Reach CALD and hard to reach communities      

-          Place screens strategically and tailor communications for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities and other hard to reach communities including those confused by information delivered through mainstream media.